4 things you can do right now to save the environment:
1.Change ur computer habits.
Change the computer standby options(20% power) to standby automatically after 15 or 5 minutes,turn off monitor after 5 minutes and the hard disk after 10 minutes.
Go to control panel->power options.
Is there any piece of paper lying around which has one of the side unmarked?
why wait??USE IT!
3.Got pencil?
Use a pencil,if you've got an option(not on cheques,though).It has more environment in it!
4.Feeling cold?
An age of wisdom says,putting a small piece of cotton inside the ear,while sleeping or otherwise keeps you warm,throughout the day.
Don't believe it?Try it..it can't cause any harm.
Plas tics?(from www.munnaontherun.com)
Dwarfed by this romantic!
Remember 26/11?To ab thade kyun pad gaye?
On my mind:
1.Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. 2.Creativity,by Osho 3.Eclipse by Sun microsystems.Still stuck with Borland turbo c? 4.Mime 5.Alice,a software to learn programming,by University of Carnegie Mellon 6.It all started with Hippocrates,by Richard Armour(out of print) 7.Shit?
wonderful man